Posted by Doug Fleming on Jan 29, 2018
Monday's meeting was a Club Business meeting aimed at informing the membership of some of the activities happening in the Club.
Club Service
First of all, Margie Booyens, Club Service Director gave a presentation of the Structure of the Club Service Portfolio by outlining the various committees under her portfolio. There are a total of 13 committees under the categories of House, Club Information and Special Events Committees. Under the House Committee are the Sergeant-at Arms, Meeting Set-up and Guest Book, Welcoming, Music committees. Under Club Information are Website, Club Bulletin and Social Media, Program, Magazines, Club History and Public Relations committees. Under Special Events fall Dinner Club, Interclub Visitist, Rural-Urban Tour and Parade Float committees.
Margie then went on to discuss some of the Positive development that these committees have accomplished this year. Which include, creation of a functioning PR Committee, reintroduction of a Rotary Float in the Stampede parade as well as establishing or updated guidelines for the Program Committees, Speakers and Front Desk. 
Finally Margie outlined some of activities which are in the planning stages and will hopeful come to fruition in the future. 
In closing, Margie issued an appeal to all members to review the roster and consider joining a committee or subcommittee to help lighten the load and get things do in the Club.
  Centennial Update
Centennial Photo - Dave Panabaker gave an update on some of our Centennial projects. First of all, Dave advised that a Centennial Club Photo will be taken on Monday May 7th. Please mark that date on your calendar and make every effort to attend.  The question was raised if missing members couldn't be 'Photo-shopped in',  and the answer was yes it is technically possible but only for a few and it will require some preplanning. 
Centennial Trail Project - Dave then went on to update the Club on the progress of the Centennial Trail Map & Marker project by reviewing the progress to date with the City's Parks Department. The Club has committed $125,000 of our funds plus $100,000 from a Community Enhancement (CEFP) grant and $7,500 from a District Grant toward the project and is reviewing the City agreement. The City recently adopted a sign standard policy and depending on prices may have some impact on the number of maps & marker we can install. Using the City's consultant's cost estimates ($10,000 to $16,500)  the Club should be able to install 6 Trail maps, 6 Markers and 6 Interpretive signs. The final number of each is still under review and we will be looking at which combination of maps, marker or signs will give the Club the best exposure.
Below are samples of what is being proposed. (Left to Right - Trail Maps, Interpretive Signs & Trail Markers)