The Rotary Club welcomed Francis Barnes to our meeting today.  Frances was introduced by Dave Panabaker.  Frances is a long time educator in the local school system and recently was the Chair of the Community Foundation of South Eastern Alberta.  She is now working as an executive coach, and trying to spend a little more time on the golf course.
Francis was with us today, to introduce us to a project that the CFSEA is taking on, a recognition program for 7 individuals over 70 years old.  The criteria specify that the achievements must have been made after the nominee has reached the age of 70.  Francis provided examples from a recent gala celebration in Calgary.
Frances asked the members of the Rotary club to first; spread the word, second; gather nominations (Aug 26 is the deadline), and third; to attend the Gala Event, on Thursday October 10, 2024 at Medalta.
More information can be obtained at .  This is not a fundraiser for the CFSEA, it is intended to recognize these outstanding individuals in the community.  Dan Kammerer from our club is a member of the CFSEA Board and is available to answer questions if you contact him.
Frances was thanked by President Bruce Shepard, with our Rotary coffee mug.