One of the highlights on any Rotary meeting, or in fact any Rotary year, is the induction of new members into the Rotary family. Today we had the pleasure of inducting a new member, Sharon Haywood (sponsored by Margie Booyens) and welcoming back an former member in Nadia Deenan (whose stand-in sponsor was Terry Brekko)
Past President Bruce Shepard had the pleasure of reading the "charge" to new Rotarians and we welcome Nadia Deenan and Sharon Haywood to the club. Nadia is a member of the MH Hospital physiotherapy team, and was a member of our club for approximately 15 years. She was a senior member of the Youth Exchange team. Sharon is the Executive Director of the Medicine Hat YMCA, as well as an instructor in social work at the MH College.
Welcome to Rotary, we all are happy you have joined us and we look forward to your contributions to our club and the community.
Applying the distinguishing pin of a Rotarian.