Incoming President Terry Partis, from his floating cottage near Kingston, Ontario joined the meeting and reviewed some of his preparatory work for his term July 2021 - June 2022.
Terry spoke first about his interesting experience driving across the prairies and Ontario, to get to both his clients and his boat.  The concept of checkpoints along the Trans Canada Highway is one thing we'll be happy to forget once the pandemic is history.  He thanked the 62% of club members (32 of 52) who responded to the Club Health Checkup, and explained that some of the comments and significant points would form the basis of his priorities for 2021-2022.  He broke the  talk into the Good/Attention/Needs Attention.
He spoke about the value of club culture, of communication between the Board and the club members, making valuable use of the meeting times and getting feedback from everyone.  He encouraged anyone who had not filled out the original survey to contact him by email or phone, if they wanted to express an opinion.
Under the heading of "Attention", he mentioned that engagement of all members, in some form of the Rotary world, and in the entire club is needed.  He wanted to make sure that new members have mentors, the mentors are known to all and that they perform a more active role in the instruction of new Rotarians.   He encouraged everyone to have a "MyRotary" account, to use the resources of "" to access the Learning Center, a great informative tool.  He wants to "change those things that aren't working" and to increase participation.He is looking for all of us to be "membership" champions, to promote Rotary within our friends and family.  New members, especially within younger, diverse sectors of the population would be wonderful.  Mike Christie is membership chair, and his committee could use all our support.
Under the heading of "Needs Attention Now", he listed four area's that he will need help right away.
  1. Perhaps the most important "immediate need" is someone to join the Board as the Director of Community Service, to fill the big shoes of Melanie Harty, as she moves into the roll of President-elect.
  2. He needs someone to champion new fundraising activities, someone who can lead a small committee to explore alternatives to our current fundraising activities.  Without funds, we can't do too much.  This someone willing to be a champion, but not necessarily a full Director with those associated time commitments.
  3. He needs a promotions and communication champion.  This person doesn't need to be a Board member, but he wants to keep communication open between the Board and members, promote Rotary within the community and increase our profile.
  4. He thanked  Ken Feser for responding to his call for help updating the strategic plan.  Ken will help facilitate additions to our existing strategic plan, to provide real goals, timelines and responsible parties for change.  There is room in this group to join Mike Christie and Ken Feser, on this project.
He thanked all of us for an "extended" 10 minute talk....and we all look forward to his year and some great things!