President Terry Partis introduced Rotarian Ken Feser, who has offered to use his experience at Strategic Planning, within established organizations to work for us in updating our 2019 Strategic Plan.  Ken took the podium and provide a little background about himself, and his desire to help with this particular project.
Strategic Planning is one of Ken's passions, and is a believer in the Rotary Club and it's principles.  He described himself as not an "engaged" Rotarian, but a capable writer and facilitator.
Ken provided a summary of his planned activities and outcomes to the Rotary Board in July, and the Board has given their consent to proceed with this project.  Our 2019 Strategic Plan was never quite completed, and part of what he will do is review that process and see where there is work we can build on.  He will be conducting interviews this month with a number of Rotarians, and he stated that although change is sometimes a good thing, it "can't destroy what existing members cherish".  He also acknowledged that the club is aging, over 50% of the members are over 70 years old, so refreshing membership is a key.  He was also excited about working with younger members and youth; who bring passion and energy that we can all feed off of.
Ken was thanked by President Terry, and his first output is expected at the August Board meeting.