Mike Christie was at the helm today, for his second meeting as President.
He extended a warm welcome to the 15 who attended the online Business Meeting, especially new member Kevin Walcer.
On the topic of temperature, President Mike reminded all that Monday (that day) was due to be the coolest, with things 'hotting up' for the rest of the week, leading up to a very hot Stampede Week later this month.
Getting into the business of the meeting, Mike focused on the Club’s Strategic Plan, which was first created in and for the Rotary Year 2023-2024 under President Bruce Shepard. Mike advised that the Plan has been revised and approved by the Board, ready to guide the Club during the 2024-2025 Rotary year.
A copy of the Plan has been emailed to all members. It comprises the Club’s vision, mission, targeted groups, context and limitations, objectives, targets, and actions.
Mike advised that Club Secretary, Doug Fleming, would be submitting the Club’s goals and targets to Rotary International, in the hope of the targets being reached by the end of the Rotary year, and the Club thus qualifying for a RI citation.
The Club Committee structure will be as follows (name of lead or chair in brackets):
- Club Service (Dave Stalwick)
- Projects and Programs (Terry Cooper)
- Youth and Vocation (Peter Mueller)
- Membership and Recruitment (Bruce Shepard)
- RI Foundation and Fundraising (Gail Haldeman)
- Promotions and Marketing (Anne Carrier)
Kitt Brand was thanked again for her sterling work on the monthly Rotary article, which gets published in the Medicine Hat News (MHN).
President Mike suggested that this is a good time of the Rotary year for committees to revise their terms of reference.
There was a discussion about the new members and their involvement in Club activities. President Mike and PP Bruce will confer about allocating a mentor to each new member. Kevin Walcer supported the notion that new members will be given the time to learn about Rotary and our Club, and to reflect, after which they will make choices about preferred involvements. The Membership Committee will give thought to a Workshop or a Fireside Chat, to introduce the new members to the various committees and activities of the Club.
With regard to the Club’s involvement in Rotary’s Youth Exchange (teens up to 18 years), our Club has yet to appoint a member who will champion the District’s Vulnerable People Policy (VPP). In addition, members involved with YEX students have to be vetted by District, passing a VPP test.
The Monarch Theatre: Saamis Club has their club banner up at the Monarch. They have requested a Rotary Club of Medicine Hat banner to go alongside it. We have one to give them – with pleasure!
President Mike mentioned that past Club member Pam Rickey, who now lives in Calgary, has made a request. Her granddaughter is completing her Master’s in Medicine Hat. Accommodation of this young lady would be appreciated, for six weeks, from September 9 to October 22. These dates unfortunately clash with those of an inbound New Generations Service Exchange participant, from Brazil, who will be accommodated by our members from mid-September until the end of November 2024.
With regard to the request from District to assist with a Rotary Friendship Exchange with Brazil, it was felt that our Club could sadly not take this on – one too many things to deal with.
Meeting venues: Dave Stalwick (Director, Club Service) said he is looking into the availability of storage space at The Legion. Also, that the Board may need to allocate money for Club Service, to use for meetings held at The Lodge – and that this would inevitably affect membership fees.
Club program: Next meeting (Monday 22 July) will be at noon, in Rotary Park on Maple Ave. Bring a garden chair, water, a hat, and a brown bag lunch. It will be a relaxed, informal, fun time of fellowship. Park and enter the park on the railway side. Monday 29 July: meeting at The Lodge. Monday 5 August: No meeting (civic holiday).