Meeting Information
President Bruce Shepard welcomed all to the noon meeting, held once again at the Medicine Hat Lodge.
He introduced the three main foci of the meeting: An update on the Monarch 1911 Society & Friends, including an invitation; the results of the 2024 Club 1000 raffle; and the final wrap-up of the "Why Rotary?" event.
President Bruce was delighted to show the members another monthly article written by Kitt Brand and published in the Medicine Hat News.
The Monarch 1911 Society & Friends
Dave Panabaker brought the members up to speed with developments at the Monarch. Restoration of the front of the theatre and repair of the inside continue. The goal is to restore the 'face' of the theatre to its 1941 glory.
Brian Robinson and Frank Devine motored to Calgary recently to pick up the speakers from the old Imax theatre at Eau Clare - only to find that they were still mounted! Undeterred, these two Rotarians got them freed up and the Monarch will now have a sound system which will not only be suitable for movies but for live performances at the theatre. The first two rows of seating will be moved to upstairs, next to the old projection room, to make room for the expansion of the stage, for live performances.
Movies will be shown on a regular basis some way down the line. A company still has to be contracted to take this on, once the inside of the theatre is in good shape. The theatre will, however, be used for far more than just movies - as is in fact currently happening.
The invitation is to the first Annual General Meeting of the Monarch 1911 Society, due to be held in the theatre, on Monday 24 June at 7pm. The current Board comprises six members, one of whom is our member Jillian Koch, who serves as treasurer. Dave said that he is assisting with the amendment of the Bylaws, as there should preferably be an uneven number on the Board. He expressed the hope that another of our Club members would make themselves available to join the Board, at the AGM.
The Friends of the Monarch has charitable status for fundraising purposes. The Friends and the Monarch Society are two separate entities but work closely together. Serving on the Friends of the Monarch are President Bruce Shepard and Gail Halderman and his wife, Diane.
2024 Club 1000 Raffle: Results
A shoutout to Dave Panabaker, who, together with Glen Presley and Doug Fleming, took on responsibility for the 2024 Club 1000 Raffle.
Dave shared the  original raffle plan, part of which was to sell 1000 tickets at $50 each, which would have raised $35,000 - the total amount needing to be donated to the Rotary Music Festival in 2024. Next year, the amount donated will decrease to $34,000, and in the fifth and final year of the funding agreement, 2026, it will be $32,000.
This year, 669 raffle tickets were sold by 36 Rotarians, raising $20,350.00 in profit - similar figures to in 2023. The balance of the 2024 contribution to the RMF - $13,500 - was made up by $2,150 from the Bingo account and the generous donation of two Rotary families: the Brands and the MacKays. 
Areas needing attention next year: credit card sales and sales at the Cultural Centre. 
Treasurer Gail Halderman is looking for a member to take over the lead of the 2025 raffle from Dave Panabaker. Brainstorming is also needed to think of creative and effective ways to raise Club funds, beyond the current methods.
We all say a very big thank you to Dave and his team for the countless hours (and kilometers!) spent on the raffle this year - with gratitude too, to all the members who sold tickets and to all  who bought them.
"Why Rotary?" - a financial wrap-up
President Elect Mike Christie spoke about our Club's 2024 membership drive event, held on Wednesday 24 April in the Grandstand Ballroom and attended by 89. 
$4045.00 was budgeted for the event. Thanks to the number who bought tickets and attended AND the generosity of different members, we came in just under budget.
Our Club will likely be welcoming about five into membership. The induction will be done by the incoming District Governor, Christina Hassan, at an evening meeting on Monday 8 July. A show of hands regarding attendance of this meeting, to which partners are warmly invited, pointed to the likelihood of hiring the Grandstand Ballroom for this event. Tickets will be $40 pp, with new members likely not having to pay. There will be a cash bar. Terry B generously indicated that he would be happy to sponsor Interact members interested in attending this event. What will be of particular interest during this meeting, is the bigger Rotary picture that will be sketched by DG Christina.
One of those due to be inducted on July 8, Odessa, said she had found the "Why Rotary" event interesting. She recommended that the financial side of membership be addressed in detail by those recruiting new members, as well as during the recruitment event. Another member reported that two prospective members that she had recruited, had enquired about where the $300 membership fee goes to, so this also needs to be explained from the get-go.
Please see a breakdown of where our annual $300 membership fee goes, provided by Secretary Doug Fleming, in the Meeting News section of this newsletter.
Mike said that a membership drive, similar to the "Why Rotary" event, would likely be held every year, the next time inviting the other Rotary Clubs in Medicine Hat to participate from the planning stage.
Rotary Club "What-z New":
  • A few more meeting helpers are required to run cameras and sound during our hybrid meetings. Anyone wishing to help should contact Mike Christie 403 878 3311
Rotary Club Committee Membership Update:
  • Please continue to assist your 'team captains' (committee leads) and please also work in other areas of club activity, as you are able.
  • Please have a look on ClubRunner in the Committee section. You should find your name on one of the committee member lists, as per your choice(s). If not, please contact President Bruce.
Rotary Club Information:
  • Housekeeping:
    • If you have a Meeting Minute, please phone, text or email the President and it will be included in the next Newsletter.
    • Board minutes can be found on ClubRunner, under Club Documents.

Rotary District 5360 and Rotary International News

  • The RI Convention was last held in Calgary in 1996. It’s going to be back in Calgary again June 21 - 25, 2025.
  • DG Kurt Kowalchuk (email dated June 19) is calling for committee members, in particular but not exclusively, for the Sponsorship & Revenue committee, and the House of Friendship committee
  • If you are interested in volunteering, contact Host Organizing Committee secretary, Luanne Whitmarsh (
  • PDG Sandy McKay has volunteered to be the Rotary Club of Medicine Hat's representative on the RI Host Committee. Many more volunteers are needed and will be welcomed. 
  • Registration for the 2025 Rotary International Convention is open - 
Other District news
  • The District Board meets again on Friday 21 June from 09:00 via Zoom. Any Rotarian is welcome to register and attend
  • A reminder that no District Conference will be held in 2025
Ideas for Future Programs
  • The Rotary Club's Program Committee members are Jillian Koch (, Dave Panabaker ( and Margie Booyens (
  • If you have ideas for future programs, please contact them.
Meeting News
GUESTS: There were no guests at the meeting, which was attended by 17 in-person and 5 online members.
We were happy to welcome Odessa, who will be inducted into the Rotary family on July 8.
CLUB DRAW: Ian McLaughlin was the lucky winner of a summer hat!
Please remember to contribute gifts for the weekly draw. The stock cupboard is looking a tad bare!
Makeups: The Bingo team of 16 June.
    • Mike Christie      June 7th.
    • Alain Guerard     June 8th.
    • Terry Brekko       June 9th.
    • Sandy Mackay    June 15th.
    • David Maclean   June 26th.
    Rotary Anniversaries:
    • Mark Sorenson    26 years.   Jun   1,1998.
    • Gwen Dirk              3 years.  Jun 28, 2021.
    • Melanie Harty       14 years.  Jun 30, 2010.
    • Anne Carrier
    Minute Reminders:
    Dave Stalwick reported that 66 players had attended the bingo session on Sunday 16 June. Eight members had volunteered and the pot was won by Dale Stein.
    The next bingo is on Saturday July 6.
    Hotdog stand at Ken Sauer
    Anne Carrier expressed thanks to the seven members who will prepare and BBQ hotdogs, with condiments, at a track meet at Ken Sauer School, on Tuesday 25 June.
    The volunteers are asked to report to the office at 10:30.
    New Generations Service Exchange Host Families required:
    Margie Booyens advised that the District has an NGSE participant coming to Medicine Hat.  It will either be a young lady from Italy or one of two from Brazil. Interviews are to be conducted and a selection made. Our local Public School district, as well as Prairie Rose School District, have agreed to allow the selected participant into schools, to learn about the Alberta education system, from the middle of September to the end of November.  If you are interested in having the participant in your home, please contact Margie. Many thanks to those who have already come forward: the McLaughlans, the Carriers, Peter Mueller & Gwen Dirk, and Dan Kammerer & Cheryl Shabatura. Just one or two more host family are needed to host for two weeks, on dates that suit,  somewhere between mid-September and 30 November!
    An AGM will be held in the Monarch Theatre, on Monday 24 June at 7pm. All Rotarians and friends of the Monarch are welcome and are encouraged to attend.
    President Bruce mentioned that it would be National Aboriginal Day on Friday 21 June and that various exhibitions and celebrations would take place around town, including Towne Square and Kinsman Park.
    Members were also informed that the 40th anniversary of the designation of the Saamis Archaeology site would be held on Wednesday 10 July. There will be displays and tours of five Saamis Coulee sites. A lovely celebration for families to attend.
    NEW MEMBER COSTS (2023-2024)
    New members pay a onetime $50 initiation fee. A History Document (1918-2018) is included in the package, as well as a name tag, certificate and Rotary pin.
    FIXED MEMBER COSTS (Dues and Insurance: 2023-2024)
    A breakdown of the $300 per annum membership fee covers Rotary International Dues, paid in July and December; District dues; District Training, District insurance totalling $230.59. In addition to covering these fixed costs, member dues include an amount to help cover certain club costs, like club administration (e.g. software licences), guest meals, room rentals, etc.
    Family of Rotary
    • No news reported
    • Please keep a Board Member informed about members health and/or any other changes, so that information can be provided to the club through the Weekly News.
    Club Information
    Medicine Hat
    Mondays at 11:45 AM
    Medicine Hat Lodge
    1051 Ross Glen Dr SE
    Medicine Hat, AB T1B 3T8
    The Rotary Club of Medicine Hat has returned to meeting in person. Our first meeting of every month is a ZOOM business meeting. Check the club calendar, which is usually up to date for our meeting locations and program.
    District Site Icon
    District Site
    Venue Map
    Venue Map
    Upcoming Events
    End of the Rotary Year - Changeover meeting
    Medicine Hat Lodge
    Jun. 24, 2024
    11:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
    Golf after Rotary
    Connaught Golf Club
    Jun. 24, 2024
    1:45 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
    Cooking at Ken Sauer School
    Ken Sauer School
    Jun. 25, 2024
    10:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
    NO MEETING - Canada Day Holiday
    Jul. 01, 2024
    Rotary Bingo
    Top Hat Bingo
    Jul. 06, 2024
    4:45 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
    Golf before Rotary
    Connaught Golf Club
    Jul. 08, 2024
    1:45 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
    Annual District Governor visit
    Grandstand Ballroom, Stampede Grounds
    Jul. 08, 2024
    5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
    Club Business Meeting
    Jul. 15, 2024
    Rotary in the Park
    Rotary Park
    Jul. 22, 2024
    11:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
    Rotary Bingo
    Top Hat Bingo
    Jul. 22, 2024
    4:45 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
    View entire list
    Rotary Links
    Med Hat Rotary Club Facebook
    Med Hat Sunrise Rotary
    Med Hat Saamis Rotary
    Rotary Foundation-Canada
    Rotary Eclub Cyber Make-ups
    Med Hat Rotary Music Festival
    My Rotary
    RI - People of Action
    District 5360 - People of Action