GUESTS: We were delighted to have two guests today - Craig Stokke, a member of the Stampede Park Rotary Club and our guest speaker.
- Manali Shabhag, a prospective member.
ATTENDANCE: We had a total of 22 members in person and 5 online today. CLUB DRAW: Our guest Manali won a beer glass. Please remember to contribute gifts for the weekly draw. If you are somewhere interesting, a small gift to the club is an easy fundraiser! Makeups: None were mentioned. Birthdays: - Sieg Kappler. January 1st.
- Dick Northcott January 13th.
- Mark Sorenson. January 23rd.
- Melanie Harty. January 25th.
- Jim White January 31st.
Rotary Anniversaries: - Gail Halderman 29 years. January 1, 1996.
- Peter Mueller. 5 years January 20, 2020.
- Igor Grujic 5 years January 20, 2020.
WEDDING ANNIVERSARY ROSE RUNNER FOR JANUARY 2024 Minute Reminders: ROTARY CLUB 1000 RAFFLE TICKETS Everyone is encouraged to sell their Club 1000 raffle tickets in support of the Rotary Music Festival. The Festival is fast approaching and much of our Festival support comes from the proceeds of this raffle. If you need extra tickets, or have any questions please contact Nadia Deenen. BINGO UPDATE Dave Panabaker advised that the next bingo will be the evening of Wednesday Jan 22nd, from 5 pm to 10 pm, and signup invitations have been sent out. As of this time, there is a full team. UPCOMING MEETINGS AT CORE Dave Panabaker advised that as part of the education program for next week, an invitation will be going out to all members for the first meeting at CORE, which is Monday February 3rd. We would like to show how the "invitation" head count system works and get some idea of how many people will be joining us for that "in person" business meeting. ROTARY CONVENTION INCENTIVE Club Treasurer Gail Halderman reminded members that due to the proximity of the convention to our club, our 2024-2025 budget includes a sum of money to be shared between those members who are attending the event. By a show of hands it appeared that 7 or 8 members of those present are going, so please sign up and share in this thoughtful idea. MH&DISTRICT HISTORICAL SOCIETY Bruce Shepard advised the club that the next meeting of this society is Thursday January 23rd, at the Monarch Theatre at 7:00 pm. The speaker is Mike Onieu, the Executive Director of the Medalta Clay District, which is a project that Rotary has been very interested in and we were one of the initial sponsors. THE NEXT "WHY ROTARY" EVENT Past President Bruce Shepard reminded members that the next introduction event to Rotary for potential members will be Wednesday, April 30th at the Grandstand Ballroom of the Stampede Grounds. The event will begin at 5:00 pm, and a buffet supper will be served starting at around 5:30 pm. The supper will increase the cost per person to $50.00 and tickets will be available soon. ROTARY DINNER CLUB Milan Vujovic advises everyone who has signed up for this year's dinner club that dinners can now be booked. If you have a particular date in mind, it's best to get it to him (or his spouse Almira) so that date can be fit into the schedule. Please phone and book your dinner as soon as you can. Family of Rotary - The Rotary Club sends our condolences to the Ferguson family on the recent loss of Bob. For those who might remember him, Bob was a member of this club from 1987 until 2009.
- The Rotary Club also sends our condolences to the Harty family, on the recent loss of Robert's father Bruce.
- POST MEETING NOTE - The club was advised late on Monday evening, that Johan Booyens passed away in the evening of Monday January 20th. The club sends our thoughts and prayers to Margie and their family in what will be a very difficult time.
- Please keep a Board Member informed about members health and/or any other changes, so that information can be provided to the club through the Weekly News.