Meeting Information
President Mike Christie welcomed our guests, and began the meeting promptly at 12:15 pm.  He had our guests welcomed and was happy to see such a good turnout with the very chilly weather.
The attendance was rather good, and we were all curious to hear about the upcoming Rotary International convention.
Rotary Club "What-z New":
  • A few more meeting helpers are required to run cameras and sound during our hybrid meetings. Anyone wishing to help should contact President Mike Christie 403 878 3311
Rotary Club Committee Membership Update:
  • Please continue to assist your 'team captains' (committee leads) and please also work in other areas of club activity, as you are able.
  • Please have a look on ClubRunner in the Committee section. You should find your name on one of the committee member lists, as per your choice(s). If not, please contact President Mike.
Rotary Club Information:
  • Housekeeping:
    • If you have a Meeting Minute, please phone, text or email the President and it will be included in the next Newsletter.
    • Board minutes can be found on ClubRunner, under Club Documents.

Rotary District 5360 and Rotary International News

As many Rotarians will know, our club in cooperation with the Saamis Rotary Club and the Friends of the Monarch Society have been working on restoring both the structure and the programming at the historic Monarch movie theatre on 2nd St SE.
Stan Sakamoto attended the recent Board meeting of the Society and advised that in 2024 a total of 34 events were held in the venue and more than 7,300 people attended.  A really good restart of the theatre.  As well, Stan mentioned that a conservation plan is being developed for approval by the historical authorities, and we are looking forward to more big things in 2025.
Our club will try to keep track of events on a the Monarch, to give members a heads-up that the opportunity to serve exists.  If you are interested, please let Rotarian Janessa Anderson (403-952-1907) know and she can provide details of available shifts and responsibilities. 
  • Jake Vaadeland & the Sturgeon River Boys at the The Monarch Theatre on Wednesday January 29th. Tickets available online at
Volunteering at a show is a great way to connect with the community and support the historic local landmark.
  • The RI Convention was last held in Calgary in 1996. It’s going to be back in Calgary again June 21 - 25, 2025.
  • If you are interested in volunteering, contact Host Organizing Committee secretary, Luanne Whitmarsh (
  • Club Convention Champions are playing a vital role in communication (both ways) between the District 5360 Host Convention Committee and their Club. Our Convention Club Champion is PDG Sandy MacKay.
  • Registration for the 2025 Rotary International Convention is open - 
  • The convention website is
Ideas for Future Programs
  • The Rotary Club's Program Committee members are Jillian Koch (, Margie Booyens (,  Alain Guerard (, Sharon Hayward (
  • If you have ideas for future programs, please contact them.
Update on the 2025 Calgary Rotary convention
The Medicine Hat Rotary Club was delighted to welcome, as a ZOOM participant, the co-chair of the 2025 Convention, Craig Stokke.  Craigs'co-chair is Past District Governor Mark Starratt.  Craig joined the RC of Stampede Park in 2007 and joined our meeting to encourage participation in the local nature of the 2025 Rotary International convention.  The comment was made that you join Rotary, but you don't really become a Rotarian until you attend an international convention and experience the world wide impact of the organization.
The local convention is 151 days away, and is building on the reputation of the previous Calgary RI convention in 1997 to be the "best ever".
(sorry for the poor photo, but ZOOM sometimes doesn't allow for good photos)
The conference "exceeded all expectations" with over 12,000 registrations in the first week.  The convention committee has been working on premise that Calgary "doesn't do average", and if the 1997 convention was the "best ever", that this one will exceed that mark.  The convention runs from June 21 - 25 and will primarily be using the Saddledome and the area around the Exhibition grounds and the BMO centre, so attendee's don't have too far to walk.
There are many volunteer opportunities, as well as sponsorship and family programs being developed.
Craig encouraged anyone who is intending to go, to register soon (the price goes up at the end of March) as well as secure accommodation.  It is a busy time in Calgary, so affordable hotel rooms with access to the C-train may get to be in short supply.  Your convention ID will allow you to access public transportation in Calgary, to avoid parking issues.
There are several ticketed, signature events which are available and the House of Friendship will be well worth spending an afternoon.
The websites for registration are listed above under "RI News"
Meeting News
GUESTS:  We were delighted to have two guests today
  • Craig Stokke, a member of the Stampede Park Rotary Club and our guest speaker.
  • Manali Shabhag, a prospective member.
ATTENDANCE:  We had a total of 22 members in person and 5 online today.
CLUB DRAW:  Our guest Manali won a beer glass.
Please remember to contribute gifts for the weekly draw. If you are somewhere interesting, a small gift to the club is an easy fundraiser!
Makeups: None were mentioned.
    • Sieg Kappler.      January   1st.
    • Dick Northcott    January 13th.
    • Mark Sorenson.   January 23rd.
    • Melanie Harty.     January 25th.
    • Jim White            January 31st.
    Rotary Anniversaries:
    • Gail Halderman   29 years.   January 1, 1996.
    • Peter Mueller.       5  years  January 20, 2020.
    • Igor Grujic           5  years   January 20, 2020.
    • Odessa Vermee
    Minute Reminders:
    Everyone is encouraged to sell their Club 1000 raffle tickets in support of the Rotary Music Festival.  The Festival is fast approaching and much of our Festival support comes from the proceeds of this raffle.  If you need extra tickets, or have any questions please contact Nadia Deenen.
    Dave Panabaker advised that the next bingo will be the evening of Wednesday Jan 22nd, from 5 pm to 10 pm, and signup invitations have been sent out.  As of this time, there is a full team.
    Dave Panabaker advised that as part of the education program for next week, an invitation will be going out to all members for the first meeting at CORE, which is Monday February 3rd.  We would like to show how the "invitation" head count system works and get some idea of how many people will be joining us for that "in person" business meeting.
    Club Treasurer Gail Halderman reminded members that due to the proximity of the convention to our club, our 2024-2025 budget includes a sum of money to be shared between those members who are attending the event.  By a show of hands it appeared that 7 or 8 members of those present are going, so please sign up and share in this thoughtful idea.
    Bruce Shepard advised the club that the next meeting of this society is Thursday January 23rd, at the Monarch Theatre at 7:00 pm.  The speaker is Mike Onieu, the Executive Director of the Medalta Clay District, which is a project that Rotary has been very interested in and we were one of the initial sponsors.
    Past President Bruce Shepard reminded members that the next introduction event to Rotary for potential members will be Wednesday, April 30th at the Grandstand Ballroom of the Stampede Grounds.  The event will begin at 5:00 pm, and a buffet supper will be served starting at around 5:30 pm.  The supper will increase the cost per person to $50.00 and tickets will be available soon.
    Milan Vujovic advises everyone who has signed up for this year's dinner club that dinners can now be booked.  If you have a particular date in mind, it's best to get it to him (or his spouse Almira) so that date can be fit into the schedule.  Please phone and book your dinner as soon as you can.
    Family of Rotary
    • The Rotary Club sends our condolences to the Ferguson family on the recent loss of Bob.  For those who might remember him, Bob was a member of this club from 1987 until 2009.
    • The Rotary Club also sends our condolences to the Harty family, on the recent loss of Robert's father Bruce.
    • POST MEETING NOTE - The club was advised late on Monday evening, that Johan Booyens passed away in the evening of Monday January 20th.  The club sends our thoughts and prayers to Margie and their family in what will be a very difficult time.
    • Please keep a Board Member informed about members health and/or any other changes, so that information can be provided to the club through the Weekly News.
    Club Information
    Medicine Hat
    Mondays at 11:45 AM
    Medicine Hat Lodge
    1051 Ross Glen Dr SE
    Medicine Hat, AB T1B 3T8
    The Rotary Club of Medicine Hat has returned to meeting in person. Our first meeting of every month is a ZOOM business meeting. Check the club calendar, which is usually up to date for our meeting locations and program.
    District Site Icon
    District Site
    Venue Map
    Venue Map
    Upcoming Events
    Rotary Bingo - evening
    Top Hat bingo
    Jan. 22, 2025
    5:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
    Club Meeting: Guest: Jeff Voss on Membership
    The Lodge
    Jan. 27, 2025
    12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
    Hybrid Club Business Meeting + Classification Talk
    CORE Association
    Feb. 03, 2025
    12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
    Club Meeting: Guest: Niki Gray on GRANTS
    CORE Association
    Feb. 10, 2025
    12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
    Rotary bingo - afternoon
    Top Hat Bingo
    Feb. 16, 2025
    11:45 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
    No Club Meeting
    Feb. 17, 2025
    Club Meeting: re-classification talk
    CORE Association
    Feb. 24, 2025
    12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
    Online Club Business Meeting
    Mar. 03, 2025
    12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
    Rotary bingo - evening
    Top Hat Bingo
    Mar. 03, 2025
    5:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
    Club Meeting: Visit to Saamis + Classific. Talk
    Saamis Immigration
    Mar. 17, 2025
    12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
    View entire list
    Rotary Links
    Med Hat Rotary Club Facebook
    Med Hat Sunrise Rotary
    Med Hat Saamis Rotary
    Rotary Foundation-Canada
    Rotary Eclub Cyber Make-ups
    Med Hat Rotary Music Festival
    My Rotary
    RI - People of Action
    District 5360 - People of Action