GUESTS: No guests today, as this was a business meeting. ATTENDANCE: A total of 17 club members joined the ZOOM business meeting today. CLUB DRAW: No draw today. Please remember to contribute gifts for the weekly draw. If you are somewhere interesting, a small gift to the club is an easy fundraiser! Makeups: None were mentioned. Birthdays: - Bruce Shepard Feb 17th.
- Margie Booyens Feb 29th.
Rotary Anniversaries: - Gregg Martin 34 years. Feb 1, 1991.
- Marg Mazerolle 33 years. Feb 1, 1992.
WEDDING ANNIVERSARY ROSE RUNNER FOR FEBRUARY 2025 Minute Reminders: ROTARY CLUB 1000 RAFFLE TICKETS Nadia Deenen and Anne Carrier spoke about the upcoming 2025 Rotary Club 1000 raffle. Nadia is requesting that anyone who sells a ticket using the ZEFFY site, which facilitates the use of a credit card, PLEASE advise herself and Anne, so they can match tickets to incoming funds. Rotarians who sell that way need to write out a ticket for those purchasers so that they are entered into the raffle. Advising the organizing group will avoid duplicate entries. The cooperation of everyone is truly appreciated and will make financial reporting on the raffle much simpler. DOOR MONITORING AND INFORMATION DESK AT MUSIC FESTIVAL Dave Panabaker advised that a sign up link had gone out to all club members, inviting people to sign up for duties at the 2025 Music Festival. Delynne has used a new software program to do the signup, so don't forget to insert your name and email address so you get reminders. The link is available at UPCOMING MEETINGS AT CORE Dave Panabaker advised that due to construction delays, the CORE kitchen is not yet ready and the stairlift has not been installed. That has caused us to delay the trial period at CORE for a few weeks, and our downtown meetings will now be Monday February 24th, Monday March 3rd and Monday March 10th. Next week, February 10th we will be back at the MH Lodge, in our regular spot. ROTARY CONVENTION INCENTIVE Club Treasurer Gail Halderman reminded members that due to the proximity of the convention to our club, our 2024-2025 budget includes a sum of money to be shared between those members who are attending the event. By a show of hands it appeared that 7 or 8 members of those present are going, so please sign up and share in this thoughtful idea. LEARNING SESSION - DISTRICT GRANT REPORTING The District is holding an educational session for new members, and really all Rotarians, on District Grants. It will be held on Wednesday evening, February 19th beginning at 7:00 pm. This is NOT the qualification webinar that occurs every year, but is solely for education. Registration is required, go to the following link on the District website. THE MONARCH THEATRE - OPERATING CAPITAL DEBENTURES Dave Panabaker advised that he had received a request from t he "Monarch 1911 Society" to introduce the concept of their operating debentures. During this startup period of time, while expenditures exceed revenue, the.y are setting up a series of Operating Debentures and are looking for Rotarians to invest. The debentures cost $5,000 and are flexible in the repayment methods. The debentures pay a 5% interest rate and if you are interested in supporting the Monarch Theatre project, Dave can send you the document or you can contact Frank Devine at the Saamis Club for more info. THE NEXT "WHY ROTARY" EVENT Past President Bruce Shepard reminded members that the next introduction event to Rotary for potential members will be Wednesday, April 30th at the Grandstand Ballroom of the Stampede Grounds. The event will begin at 5:00 pm, and a buffet supper will be served starting at around 5:30 pm. The supper will increase the cost per person to $50.00 and tickets will be available soon. REAL HUMANITARIAN Learning event. International Development week is this week and members of the Real Humanitarian group will be speaking at the Medicine Hat College on THURSDAY, February 6th. All Rotarians are invited. ROTARY DINNER CLUB Milan Vujovic advises everyone who has signed up for this year's dinner club that dinners can now be booked. If you have a particular date in mind, it's best to get it to him (or his spouse Almira) so that date can be fit into the schedule. Please phone and book your dinner as soon as you can. Family of Rotary - The club passes on its best wishes to Bernice Chesley, who is now moved into a one bedroom apartment in Calgary. She would love to visit with Med Hat folks if they are in Calgary and her cell phone is 403-502-0650.
- Please keep a Board Member informed about members health and/or any other changes, so that information can be provided to the club through the Weekly News.